Amy Breece

Amy Breece

“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.”
W. E. B. Du Bois

Plant cells, animal cells, DNA and anatomical dissection—Amy Breece (Mrs. Breece to us) taught all of that, and so much more, to our freshman Honors Biology Class.  She set high standards for her students. While it was important that we master molecular structure and cell metabolism, it was essential to Mrs. Breece that we learn something real and true of humanity and morality along the way.
Mrs. Breece models integrity, living her life and teaching with unbridled passion, energy, and infectious enthusiasm. Infused by her deep faith, she pours herself out in love, compassion, encouragement and grace to her students. In a few weeks, I anticipate receiving my RN degree. My knowledge of anatomy and physiology has grown since I sat in Mrs. Breece’s classroom, but I’ve never had a better teacher, and I’ve never met a better person. Mrs. Breece exemplifies the woman I aspire to become.